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Village Business Centre, Kilkenny
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056 7703790
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Speed, Agility & Quickness Training Program

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Do you want to increase your Speed, Agility & Quickness using an easy to follow progressive plan that you can use time and time again to improve your performance ⁣
This is perfect for anyone who plays field sports or coaches field sports at any level. ⁣
This 8 week plan is packed with- ⁣
Exercise Program✅
Speed Sessions✅
Agility Sessions✅
Quickness Drills✅
Injury Prevention✅
Core/Movement Prep✅
This early bird of 39 euro won’t last long so join coaches from around the world in using some of these high performance drills in your program today! ⁣
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Bullet Point Info✅
Cure your back pain at Roche Injury Clinic Kilkenny

Back Pain

Back pain is a common reason for absence from work, social activities and sports. Although it may be painful and uncomfortable, it is not usually serious.

Even though back pain can affect people of any age, it is significantly more common among adults aged between 30 and 55 years. Experts say that back pain is associated with the way our bones, muscles and ligaments in our backs work together.

Pain in the lower back may be linked to trauma to the discs between the vertebrae, ligaments around the spine and discs, spinal nerves (Sciatica) and lower back muscles. This can be brought on from heavy lifting, sudden movements and car accidents to name a few. Bad posture (sitting) and poor movement patterns (especially at speed, i.e sport) have been especially singled out to bring about back pain and result in the two types mentioned below.

There are two main types of Back Pain each with their own signs and adjusted ways to be treated. However these may overlap!

1) Morning stiffness that leaves after 30-45 mins of activity. (Inflammatory Stress)
2) Pain and stiffness at the end of the day. (Mechanical Stress)

The application of heat or ice when needed, ultrasound and electrical stimulation, spinal mobilizations as well as some muscle-release techniques to the back muscles and soft tissues help alleviate pain. As the pain subsides some flexibility and strength exercises for the back and abdominal muscles are introduced.Posture re-education is included. Patients will be encouraged to practice the techniques regularly, even after the pain has gone, to prevent back pain recurrence.

We all have suffered from back pain at some point. It is very treatable and Roche Injury Clinic has the experience and equipment to deal with it so book in today and become pain free.


Help fix posture problems at Roche Injury Clinic Kilkenny

Postural Dysfunctions

Poor posture can have detrimental effects to many areas, including the low back, mid back, and neck. When improper posture is sustained for longer periods of time (such as at standing activities at work or sitting at a computer) muscles can become weak and tired. These same muscles can become chronically over stretched or shortened and be a cause of preventable ongoing discomfort.

Appropriate treatment can be implemented to treat postural dysfunctions. Certain exercises, such as stretching and strengthening, can be used to help realign and then train the body to maintain correct or improved postures to reduce the risk of injury. Postural awareness is difficult throughout the course of a day, but the more you practice the more the body becomes accustomed to this improved posture. Muscles can adapt appropriately and then postural awareness will become second nature as your pain and discomfort improve.

Posture Tips:

The head should be maintained directly over the neck with your chin level.

Check to see if your ears are over the shoulders.

The shoulders should be pulled back (but not exaggerated) so as to prevent slumping forward.

The mid back should also be fairly straight and avoiding the same slumping tendency.

The shoulders, hips, and ankles should all be in line from top to bottom.

It is helpful to have the hips and knees as close to 90 degree angles while sitting.

Maintaining appropriate muscle strength and flexibility (as prescribed by a health professional) allows good postural alignment to be easily achieved and not feel like work.


we can help with sports injuries at Roche Injury Clinic Kilkenny

lioPsoas Syndrome

The Ilio-Psoas muscle is comprised of two muscles, the Iliacus and Psoas muscles.

Pain at the front of the hip may be due to a Hip Flexor muscle strain but the Ilio-Psoas muscle is most commonly affected. However it is one one the most commonly over looked hip injuries! It is commonly mis-diagnosed as high quad strain due to its anatomical location.


Roche Injury Clinic post on the Iliopsoas Muscle


The IlioPsoas muscle lies in front of the hip joint and sits quite deeply, below the surface of the skin. Its main job is to flex the hip (bringing the leg out in front of the body) as when kicking a ball. The Ilio-Psoas attaches to the thigh bone via the Ilio-Psoas tendon.

In between the tendon and the hip joint lies the Ilio-Psoas bursa (a small sac of fluid). Bursae are present wherever moving parts occur, and help to reduce friction. They are normally found around joints and where tendons, muscles or ligaments pass over bony prominence’s.


Ilio-Psoas Syndrome is the name given to a condition in which a person has developed Ilio-Psoas bursitis (irritation and inflammation of the Ilio-Psoas bursa) and/or Ilio-Psoas Tendonitis (irritation and inflammation of the Ilio-Psoas tendon).

The condition occurs primarily in gymnasts, dancers and track athletes, footballers, GAA players and is caused by repetitive hip flexion. As ever when dealing with a condition like this a thorough examination is needed and is the first step to a speedy and specific rehabilitation process.
